Friday, 10 May 2013

Finished Caretaker. film opening

Here is our opening to the Caretaker.


Question 7 of the evaluation

7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from that to the full and final product?

When we first began to prepare for out preliminary task, we were introduced to a wide variety of new things based upon camera shots, mis-en-scene and sound- although we were beginning to become familiar with these, we only introduced to the basics. The camera shots were merely;

Tracking Shot; Moving the camera backwards and forwards, and in/out.

Side Ways Tracking Shot (Crab Shot); Moving the camera from side to side.

Tilt Shot; Simple up and down on an axis.

Zoom; Moving in or away; same effect as tracking.

Arc Shot; Full or semi-circle around character; increase intensity of narrative.

Crane Shot; Camera attached to crane, moves up and down

Panning; Camera mounted on tripod and moved from left to right.

Since then we have been educated into knowing many more shots than above, these include;

  • Crane shot (establishing shot)
  • High Angle
  • Low Angle
  • Depth of Field 

We have also learnt how the camera dictates exactly how we see things, this had to be considered when planning for the main task in order to make it successful and meeting the criteria of the horror genre.

Since our preliminary task, we have been introduced to the use of sound, such as diegetic and non-diegetic sound- this could have been included in our opening, however we only used non-diegetic sound.

When completing our prelim task, we learnt to edit using iMovie-which was relatively easy, but when we began our main task we had to learn to edit using Final Cut

- at the beginning this was proving do be a difficult task to learn but we eventually learnt to use it correctly and effectively as it has made our opening what it has become.

Evaluation questions

In todays lesson we have found out the evaluation questions to complete our evaluation on our horror film opening.

Evaluation Questions

  1. In what ways does your film opening use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real film opening.
  2. How does your film opening represent particular social groups?
  3. What kind of media institution might distribute your film opening and why?
  4. Who would be the audience for your film opening?
  5. How did you attract/address your audience?
  6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
  7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
Our group will be splitting up these different questions and making various different presentations using different programmes such as Slide Share and Prezi. We will do the evaluation once we have completed our filming and any out standing tasks. 

Production: Colour correcting our footage

Although we used a decent qulaity camera, we still have to make all of our footage the same colour. We did this by colour correcting the footage on Final Cut Express.

Setp 1: On Final Cut Express, we had went to the drop down menu at the top of the software. We clicked on 'Effects', then 'Video Filters' and then finally 'Brightness and Contrast (Bezier). This would creect the colouring of the footage, either making it lighter or darker, but in our case we wanted the footage to be lighter as the shot was in a dark place.

Step 2: Once clicking on the correct option, two colour wheels appear for us to use. By clicking and moving the colours wheels around change the colour of the shot. For example, we wanted this shot to become more brighter so we put more red into the shot to make it a little more brighter. To add more brightness or darkness, you can use the dials below the wheels to change the colour. We have now colour corrected our footage and can now do this process to the other video footage.

Evaluation questions 2-6

I have made a Prezi presentation on evlaution questions 2-6. To start the evlauation prezi, click 'Start Prezi' This Prezi includes videos, images and text.

Question 1 of the evaluation

1.In what ways does your film opening use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real film opening?

Here, we have made a power point answering question one of the evaluation.

Question 2 of the evaluation

2. How does your film opening represent particular social groups?

Here, me and Aimee have made a short video answering question 2 of the evaluation.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Production: Sound

We have now downloaded all of our music content that we plan to add to our filming opening. We have used   Free Sound for all of our music. We decided on a intense sound track that would get the audience more interesting and adrenalin running high. We also decided on added a heart beat in the background to build the atmosphere. I feel that this really work really well.

Step 1 - Logging on to our Free Sound account, we are now able to download music content to use in the opening of 'Caretaker.'

Step 2 - Once we have downloaded the chosen music content onto the computer, we can now start importing it into Final Cut Express. Our downloaded music is stored on ITunes. We decided to download all the sound tracks that we liked and then once we have done, pick the best ones and add them to the opening of 'Caretaker.'

Here are the sounds that we have used in our film opening

Click on the sounds to listen to them.

149068_burning-mir_ambient-sounds-002 - This is the sound track that we have used in our film opening. This soound track plays all the way through the opening without stopping. The pace speeds up as the opening comes towards to end. This builds suspence within the audience.

146765_thenudo_heart-beat - The heart beat that is used twice through the film opening builds more tention within the audience along with the other soundtrack that we have used. It is faidly in the background and at the end, the heart beat sound last longer than the actual soundtrack.

Production: Titles

We are now at the stage were we are adding titles to our opening Caretaker. To make sure that our film opening looked like a film opening, not a film trailer, we wanted to make sure we put the titles in the right places and make them look good. We looked back into our previous research from 'Art of the Titles', where we watched back and looked back at our timeline to see where the titles came in on the opening and what they said. The opening that i looked at was 'Se7en'.

On Final Cut Express, we added our titles onto our filming opening and here is how we did it:

Step 1: Firstly we had to go to the little text menu with the 'A' symbol in it. It then gave us different options and we selected 'text' and then 'text' again. We are now ready to make a new title.

Step 2: Secondly, we had different options for us to choose from to make our text. For example, the font size, style, colour, rotation etc. For this titles we typed in the text box, 'Music by Ted Gotch'.

 Step 3: We have now selected the font style to be 'Century' and the font size 36 with just a white font on a black background.

 Step 4: Once we have made the title, we now have to decide were it will be placed within this frame. We have chosen to put it at the bottom right hand corner. This is because i think it is not too 'in your face' if it was right in the middle of the frame. We can move the text by clicking on the 'video' tap and then the drop down menu to where we would like the text.

 Step 5: The default setting for Final Cut titles is to run for 10 seconds. We felt that this was too long and decided to change the viewing time to 3 seconds instead of 10. To do this, at the top right hand corner of the viewing window where the titles is, there is a time section where we are able to type in how long we want the title to be shown.

 Our titles is now complete, all we have to do now is drag the title into the timeline at the bottom of Final Cut express and the title will automatically insert.